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chemical reaction calculations


Chemical reaction calculator

Calculate the amount of B, C and D


The script below will calculate the amount (in gram) of B, C and D

aA + bB -----> cC + dD

Ex: 1CH4 + 2O2 ------> 1CO2 + 2H2O

a,b,c,d are the coefficients

A,B,C,D are the components


The calculations below are based on the first component (A). So the "a-fields" must all have a value.

Enter the amount of A (in gram): ;

Enter the a coefficient: Enter the molar weight of A: g/mol

Enter the b coefficient ; Enter the molar weight of B: g/mol

Enter the c coefficient: ; Enter the molar weight of C: g/mol

Enter the d coefficient ; Enter the molar weight of D: g/mol

The amount of B is: g

The amount of C is: g

The amount of D is: g

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